Greetings from Karuna special school HSS

Our past is full of Blessings and our future is a total prayerful submission of hard work and dedication to God almighty.

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to our website and encourage you to make yourself at home here.

A firm underlying philosophy of the school ‘KARUNA’ focus our attention on the whole round development of our differently abled students(HI).Apart from giving education we here in do an equally outstanding co-curricular and extra curricular agenda for students.We strive to transform our students as good citizens with innovative thinking and concern for others,coupled with exemplary manners and etiquette,focusing on this social and emotional needs.

In conclusion we strongly believe and affirm that this place shall continue to be a sacred temple of learning,offering a priveliged ambient to climb greater heights and dream bigger Dreams.

The world is going through a situation of unprecedented crisis. We see distress and real trials and tribulations everywhere. But, the process of life must move ahead very positively. As we step into a new academic year, we hope that it will bring us plenty of good tiding near future. We have to take everything in our strides and surge ahead to succeed in our life.

In the last academic year, we have relied upon mainly online classes to engage the students in learning. Such classes do have their own blessings and shortcomings. The digital learning process opens the world into novel opportunities and priorities. It has also kept the world in a state of motion in terms of the dissemination of knowledge pathways. But, this digital learning does have its own pitfalls such as the addiction towards technological devices, the onset of depression into the human minds and also the artificial connectivity leading upto lack of real human interactions which are needed for the psychological and mental developments of human beings.

It is imperative that we need to count upon the values such as love, trust, truth, hope, sincerity, honesty and tolerance in order to build up a society of human harmony and solidarity even at this lean phase that the world goes through at present. Education should pave the way for the eradication of all discriminations and unsavory state of affairs from the society and it should also make human minds liberated of all cobwebs to be receptive to new ideas and outcomes.

It is time that we look forward to with a mindset of facing upto all the challenges, life throws at us at regular intervals. The human endurance is always bigger than the obstacles out there. We shall together overcome this period of downturn with courage and conviction. Let us strive hard to construct a future of social well being, endeavouring optimism and quality education.
There is no point in finding fault at this juncture instead we need to be the goodwill ambassadors of doing whatever we can to innovate the existing scheme of things one way or the other. The success is always at hand if we go for it with an open-hearted approach. Let this academic year adduce us with a sense of gratitude for whatever we have. On this occasion, we remember our benefactors and good wishers for the backing they have extended to us wholeheartedly over the years and expect the same level of cooperation in the future as well. May the God Almighty bless all our endeavours in this academic year and make them fruitful and worthwhile.